
Tree Removal Services

tree removal services 

“How much will it cost to take down my tree?” Many factors go into determining an estimate for tree removal services.


Five Cost Factors for Tree Removal Services

  1. “What are the dangers in felling?” We take a look at the area around the tree and if there is property or structures that are in the way when bringing the tree down. Will it need to be cut in smaller pieces or dropped to protect neighboring trees or property in the vicinity? Most taller trees have to be reached by a tree climber and there is considerable risk involved. A tree climber has to measure their steps and consider the integrity of the tree trunk and its branches as they climb. These considerations are a part of the estimated cost. tree-service-tree trimming
  2. “How is the ingress and egress of the property for removal?” Removing the tree will take room to cut the branches of the tree and haul it with a winch and drag loader to the chipper machine. A mini-excavator might be used to pick up the massive logs after being cut into truck size lengths to be hauled away. A chipper could be used to chip up the branches to be hauled or used as mulch on other parts of the property. Bucket trucks are often used for a climber to go up and cut off sections of branches and limbs or the main trunk. Cables will have to be harnessed around the tree and branches and brought down piece by piece. Bucket trucks are in the neighborhood of $80-120K, plus the risk associated with using them. This machinery will need a place for access and parking.
  3. “Is the tree close to a structure that has to be dismantled?” For instance, if the fence blocks access to the tree or where the tree will be taken out, will the fence need removing for a period. That can be labor intensive and add to the cost of the tree removal services.
  4. “What is the tree’s diameter and the age of the tree?” The diameter and height of the tree will also determine how high the tree climber will climb or what kind of lift could be involved to reach the top portions of the tree safely. The diameter will also determine cables to use and lowering secured portions down to the ground.
  5. “What is the structural integrity of the tree?” Is the tree branches or trunk rotted or sturdy? We look for several factors on the tree to determine this. A resistograph machine
    tree removal services

    Two leaders are not better than one. This main trunk is separated with two leaders, which lessens the structural integrity.

    can also be used to check the central cavity and give a report indicating any decay on the interior and at what depth. This reading provides an idea of the safety and health of the tree. Risk factors are part of the consideration for a tree climber which all go into determining the overall costs for tree removal services.

  6. “What will my yard look like after the tree removal?” If the tree is in a wooded area, there is not much of a problem with cleanup. If a tree is going to be taken down in a landscaped yard, there is a restoration process afterward. The removal of wood chips (for ground stumps), restoration of the lawn area because of heavy equipment and traffic can scare up and rut the lawn in areas. Aerating, sowing grass seed or laying new sod might be a possibility in the cost. If any landscape plant material is transplanted or removed before the tree removal, then those plants will be put back into their original spots or new plantings introduced. All of this cleanup will add to the cost of the total tree removal services.

If you are at the point that you need tree removal services or wondering how healthy your tree is, give us a call for a consultation. We will work with you on each of these factors and explain the ‘how and why’ behind our costs.